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60 seconds with TCCA's Tony Gray

Tony Gray, TCCA's chief executive, discusses his career in critical communications

How do you spend your time at work?

My role is mostly administrative and ambassadorial. Much of my time is spent doing the myriad tasks associated with running a members’ organisation such as the TCCA, as well as representing the TCCA and what it stands for in a wide variety of forums.

What’s the one gadget that you can’t live without?

Unquestionably my phone. My daily life revolves around the contacts and information it can access.

Describe your most unforgettable project.

In 2012 I had the honour of leading the TCCA’s initial involvement with 3GPP in developing critical communications feature standards for LTE.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve seen while working in the sector?

A camel race with child-sized robot riders. When installing the first TETRA network for the Abu Dhabi Police, we had to ensure full security radio coverage of the desert racetrack.

What advice would you give to anyone starting their first job in the industry?

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