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60 seconds with telent's Joe Pincus

Joe Pincus, Business development director at telent, discusses his career in wireless comms

How do you spend your time at work?

Networking with people is an integral part of our organisation, so I get to travel across the country to meet – and strengthen relationships with – our customers and partners. The added bonus is the numerous lunches I get to enjoy.

What’s the one gadget that you can’t live without?

Unsurprisingly, my phone – although I like to think I could actually live without it.

Describe your most unforgettable project.

Securing our first major contract with BSkyB in 2007. Within one year we helped the company reach over 70 per cent of UK households with its broadband roll-out.

What’s the most unusual thing you’ve seen while working in the wireless comms sector?

Seeing how the dedicated people at telent will work in any conditions to get the job done. We’ve worked in the cold and bitter winters – we can only dream of working on a sunny beach.

What advice would you give to a young radio engineer who is starting their first job in the industry?

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