BAPCO 2024 speaker focus: Matthew Sutcliffe

The Humberside FRS chief fire officer discusses the growing importance of technology ahead of his session on learning from a cyberattack.

Matthew Sutcliffe

Can you describe what you’ll be talking about during your presentation at BAPCO 2024. Why is it an important topic? 

Cyber security continues to be a real challenge. Having gone through a significant incident, the ongoing [challenges] that such a risk creates cannot be underestimated. As such, investing in preventative measures has never been so important 

What do you see as being the big issues and challenges for the sector over the next five years?  

The pace of change when it is linked to anything with ICT naturally creates challenges. For the public sector to keep pace requires innovative and intuitive procurement to provide modern and adaptable solutions. 

What will likely be the most transformative development over the next five years in terms of the technology? What will that mean for user operations, as well as the broader market? 

AI seems to have arrived and become so accessible to all very quickly. As such there are so many unknowns. This presents some exciting opportunities, but also challenges as we try to work out how best to bring it into our daily lives and wider scenario planning as an emergency service. 

What opportunities do you see for the sector in the current environment? What big changes would you like to see in the world of UK public safety communications? 

Technology without doubt seems to be growing, particularly as to how it engages with the younger generation.  

This presents us with an opportunity. That is, for us to become more proactive at engaging our communications with those at the start of their journey. [The growing use of] technology [by the young] seems an opportunity to subconsciously educate and inform. [Enabling them to] know how to behave when it comes to a broad array of public safety needs. Whether that be a slip, trip or fall; and from fire safety to hate crimes. 

What key messages or take-home points would you like people to get from your session? What will be most useful to them from a practical point of view?

There are two key points. The first is to listen to the experts that you have in your organisation. They are the ones who have the skills and knowledge. The other is to look after your staff.

Which conference sessions are you most looking forward to seeing?

Sessions relating to automation, artificial intelligence and accountability.

For more information on BAPCO 2024, click here.