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LiFi integrated into devices

PureLiFi has integrated its LiFi-XC system into an off the shelf commercial Dell laptop and manufactured a LiFi phone sleeve to operate with a Samsung mobile phone.

The company’s team also performed a Skype call on a LiFi enabled mobile phone to an audience at its stand at Mobile World Congress. pureLiFi's LiFi-XC system allows high speed bidirectional networked and mobile communications using light and this approach avoids the spectrum usage and interference issues that can be associated with using the RF spectrum, particularly when deploying equipment at high densities.

Back in October, pureLiFi launched the LiFi-XC, which allows partners and customers to deploy a fully networked LiFi solution that supports multiple access, roaming, and mobility – while providing a similar user experience to Wi-Fi.

“At pureLiFi we continue to drive LiFi technology to the next stage in its maturity,” said Alistair Banham, pureLiFi’s CEO. “ These two new integrated examples point to the future that LiFi will provide. We see LiFi connecting every device and everyone. Today we’ve proven we’re clearly on the way to realising that vision.”

“This is what we have been waiting for the past 16 years,” said Harald Haas, pureLiFi’s founder. “This will truly enable the fourth industrial revolution by providing the nervous system of wireless communications connecting everything. LiFi is ready for real integration.”