Nokia deploys subaquatic network in the Amazon

Nokia has deployed what it describes as a “new subaquatic and future-proof optical, IP and fiber broadband network” in the Amazon rainforest.

Photo credit: Adobe Stock/Miguel

According to the company, the network ptovides over 400 communities with multi-gigabit broadband access. The roll-out took place in collaboration with Global Fiber Peru, which operates a fiber optic network across the country.

Nokia’s role in the deployment has included the provision of its 1830 Photonic service switch, 7750 service routers, 7250 interconnect routers, a network service platform, and much more.

Describing the new roll-out, a spokesperson for Nokia said: “Buried in the Amazon river, the new subaquatic network interconnects 500,000 users across 400 communities located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. [It is] in an area known as the three-border region, where Peru, Colombia and Brazil share borders.” 

The Nokia “subaquatic optical backbone” connects Iquitos and Santa Rosa de Yaraví in Peru, Leticia in Colombia and Tabatinga in Brazil. According to the company, it has enabled the first fiber-to-the-home broadband access in the region, as well as the first multi-gigabit services for enterprise users.

Nokia’s senior vice president and head of network infrastructure Americas, Osvaldo Di Campli, said: "This project is important as it provides fiber connections for the first time to hundreds of communities in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest.

“Broadband connectivity helps communities and local businesses grow and prosper. We are very happy to be part of this project, and appreciate Global Fiber Peru's trust in Nokia and FYCO, and we look forward to future projects together."

Obed Dionisio, CEO of Global Fiber, said:  "We're excited and proud to be the first company to have successfully deployed an optical fiber network in the depths of the Amazon river. This achievement bridges a significant digital gap in remote areas previously inaccessible by traditional means.”