Nokia rolls out 5G MPW at Cycling World Championships

Nokia has announced its successful deployment of a 5G Modular Private Wireless (MPW) network at the UCI Track World Championships in Paris to deliver an “enhanced viewing and entertainment experience for fans”.

According to the Finnish telecoms giant, the 5G SA private wireless network at the elite cycling event at Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines National Velodrome ensured ultra-low latency and ultra-high throughput for all users including the teams, spectators, sponsors, medias.

Alongside creating an “immersive experience”, Nokia said the robust private wireless networks also helped support video and data sharing to improve situational awareness in the stadium for security and safety teams.

Nokia used both 5G mmWave and 5G cmWave to show live video streams of races both on a large screen and through 5G smartphones, tablets and headsets supplied at the track. The use of 360° robotic cameras operated remotely in real-time allowed Nokia to deliver multi-screen views and race statistics in augmented reality supported by the sounds of the track, the atmosphere in the stadium or audio commentary in different languages.

Netherlands topped the medal table at the event led by double gold medal winner Harrie Lavreysen, who won a fourth straight gold in the men's sprint event as well as leading a Dutch one-two in the men’s keirin event ahead of fellow gold medal winner Jeffrey Hoogland.

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