PervasID launches flat ceiling title antenna reading system for real-time stock control

PervasID, a RFID technology company has launched its flat ceiling tile antenna reader system, the Space Ranger 9200. The company claims that this delivers the world’s first near-100 per cent accurate wide-area passive RFID detection in real time. This allows retailers, hospitals and other industries to see the stock that they have throughout a store or building in real time.

Space Ranger 9200 uses a network of low profile flat ceiling tile antennas, each of which are located discreetly at intervals across the shop floor or stockroom; reducing the required number of antennas needed by three quarters as well as reducing the coaxial cabling requirement by 50 per cent, leading to lower costs, space requirements and simpler installation. PervasID says that threefold reduction in installed costs per square metre should be achievable and adds that its solution is currently in trial with a number of retailers and is already on target to deliver an ROI of less than 12 months.

PervasID RFID System Architecture

Sabesan Sithamparanathan, CEO of PervasID said “Historically the adoption of RFID has not met industry expectation due to low detection rates combined with prohibitively high costs of reader system and deployment. All this has changed with our announcement today and we believe the benefits of RFID can now finally be realised cost effectively.”

“Most overhead RFID readers, can read tags within a zone, but with less accuracy (typically only 80 per cent) compared with the Space Ranger at nearly 100 per cent,” adds Sabesan. “Our next generation solution resolves the issues of areas of low RF transmission where tags can easily be missed. Our unique distributed antenna system improves tag reading accuracy to near 100 per cent making it a really viable solution for any business needing better insight into stock movements.”

PervasID RFID technology has developed from University of Cambridge research and is now launching into general distribution following several successful trials in retail, healthcare and security sectors. Launching at RFID Journal Live! Conference this week, PervasID is looking for global distribution partners to promote and implement this lower cost RFID solution around the world in addition to direct end customers interested in trialling the solution and benefiting from its accuracy and lower implementation costs.